Select All or Some of Our
AED Service Options:
Medical Direction
- Initial Physician Prescription
- Ensures compliance of your AED with local, state and national regulations
- Notification to local EMS of AED placements
- Annual review of AED training program compliance
- Data Reporting and Analysis if AED is utilized
- Physician Medical Oversight
Interactive Online Program
- Online Database Program to alert required maintenance via E-minders
- E-minder notifications for monthly maintenance checks
- 60-day notification prior to expiration date of Pads and Batteries
- 60-day notification prior to CPR/AED training expiration
- If AED is malfunctioning, LifeSafe will supply a loaner unit if needed within 24 hours at no charge
- Notification of AED upgrades and recalls
Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) are an FDA regulated medical device and require periodic inspection. LifeSafe’s mission is to ensure your employees and your safety equipment are prepared and ready when needed in an emergency! Our Certified Technicians and Educators will assure your AED is compliant, your people are trained and your data tracked.
Service and Maintenance
- On-Site servicing of your AED by our certified professional technicians
- A 10-point inspection is completed for each AED, electrodes, batteries, parts and casings
- Each inspection is recorded and documented –on the unit and in real-time with our proprietary QuikStat software
- All documentation of AED inspections and expiration dates are maintained and securely stored electronically and backed up with a hard copy
- Immediate notification of AED recalls and upgrades
- Repair or replace AED unit with loaner if needed
- Annual review of AED training program compliance
- Annual review of policies and protocols
- AED download if unit is utilized, with Post-use Medical Event Review and Documentation